Things Every Freelancer Should Never Forget for Achieving Success

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As a freelancer, you have the freedom of being your own boss. This is very true. However, as an individual, it is crucial to prioritize self-care for longevity. Imagine being the best boss possible for yourself. If you’re feeling extremely tired, take a well-deserved break. Even if it’s a short break. Remember, you are solely responsible for your well-being as there may not be anyone else to look out for you in both work and personal matters.

Avoid pushing yourself to the limit. Work smarter, not harder.

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When I embarked on my journey as a freelancer over 20 years ago, I was driven by an insatiable thirst for success. I poured every ounce of my energy into my work, often sacrificing valuable personal time and even sleep. You could say I was a workaholic. I believed that the key to achieving my goals was to push myself relentlessly. I became tunnel-visioned even not seeing my family, which isn’t a good thing in the long run.

In those early days, I didn’t organize my time well. The lines between work and leisure blurred as I dedicated countless hours to honing my craft and meeting deadlines. There was no guidebook for me or the web at the time. It seemed that there was never enough time in the day to satisfy my ambition.

But as time went on, I realized there was a cost to this relentless pursuit of productivity. My health suffered, both physically and mentally. Burnout loomed ominously on the horizon, threatening to derail all the progress I had made almost once a year.

Don’t let the glamorous image of the freelancer or entrepreneur life sway you!

At times, we come across these amazing stories of entrepreneurs and freelancers living luxurious lives, seemingly free from the constraints of a 9-to-5 job. However, let me tell you, this can be a misleading or distorted image. What you see is the 1% success compared to what the average person faces.

The allure of financial independence, flexible schedules, and the ability to work from anywhere can be incredibly enticing. Let me tell you, it’s not easy to be your own boss while also being the employee responsible for getting the work done.

However, it is important to approach these stories with a critical eye. While some individuals may indeed achieve remarkable success and enjoy the perks that come with it, it is crucial to recognize that these narratives often present a distorted image of reality.

The path to entrepreneurial success or freelancing freedom is not always as smooth or as simple as it may seem. It requires relentless effort, resilience in the face of failure, and an unwavering commitment to growth. It takes careful planning, budgeting skills, and adaptability to navigate through the uncertainties that come with being your own boss.

Success doesn’t come overnight, and it’s completely normal to face setbacks along the way. Embrace the idea that you may not succeed on your first try, or even on subsequent attempts. However, it’s important to persevere and keep pushing forward learning from your experiences.

Entrepreneurs and freelancers often find themselves working long hours without traditional boundaries between work and personal life. The responsibility falls solely on their shoulders; they must constantly hustle for new clients or customers while ensuring they deliver exceptional results.

Avoiding working long hours is easier said than done. But try!

In addition to prioritizing time to rejuvenate yourself, it is important to avoid overworking whenever possible. It’s recommended to aim for a maximum of 7 to 8 hours per day, allowing yourself a meaningful break in between.

This is also important, especially if you have a significant other or family to take care of. If you are raising a family, remember that it’s not just about you. Set aside your time accordingly and take care of your health.

Flexibility With Time and Location

One of the greatest benefits of freelancing is the flexibility it offers when working from home or other locations. You can create your schedule and are not tied down to a 9 to 5 office job. Instead, you have the freedom to set your working hours that align perfectly with your personal and family commitments.

This level of control allows for optimal work-life balance and ensures that both your professional and personal needs are met harmoniously. However, organizing and scheduling all the work yourself is not always easy.

Perhaps you’d find it more suitable to start your workday early so that you can finish by 4 pm, coinciding with your young family’s return from school or nursery. This way, you can devote quality time to them until bedtime, being present for bathtime and indulging in the joy of reading them a story.

Personal experiences have shown me that these precious moments during my children’s upbringing were exceptional. I am grateful that I prioritized creating space for them within my work-life balance.

Alternatively, you may be a night bird, and your family has grown up, in which case moving your work time to later in the day may suit you better. But make sure you consider your partner, too. Just as it was important to spend time with my children as they were growing up, it is important to carve out time to spend together with my partner.

Holidays are meant for enjoyment and rest, so don’t be a demanding boss.


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As the holiday season approaches, you must remember that holidays are meant for enjoyment and rest. As a freelancer, it is essential not to be a demanding boss to yourself. Recognize the importance of taking time off for yourself as well.

Just like your clients, you deserve to take holidays off too.

Your valued clients take the opportunity for some well-deserved holiday time. Take advantage of this time to rest and relax while you have some downtime. Don’t use it as an excuse to say that you have more time to work on your business or catch up on projects.

It is crucial to recharge and rejuvenate yourself so that you can come back refreshed and provide exceptional service to your clients upon your return. By taking holidays, you are not only prioritizing your own well-being but also ensuring a sustainable work-life balance that ultimately benefits both you and your clients.

The Weekends Are For Resting and Family Time

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Prioritize work-life balance, even on weekends. If you find yourself working excessively long hours during the week, it’s crucial to detach from work-related communication outside of regular working hours. This can be extremely challenging with instant access to communication.

This includes emails, messages, and phone calls. Responding to work-related matters during personal time can disrupt your work-life equilibrium. It can lead to staying in work mode 24/7, which can add extra stress and fatigue in the long run.

To maintain a healthy balance, consider setting up out-of-office responses or at least send a holding response explaining that you will attend to the matter promptly at the start of the following week. By doing so, you can enjoy your family time without compromising on professional commitments.

Put the Cellphone and Laptop Down at Night

I now set my cellphone to automatic sleep mode during the night to ensure I get a good rest without any distractions. Make it a priority to put down your cell phone and laptop at night and ensure you get the much-needed rest, even if it’s for a short period.

Make a Good Reputation and be Reliable

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Building a good reputation and being reliable are essential aspects of success in any endeavor. Whether you are an individual or a business, establishing trustworthiness and dependability can greatly impact your relationships with customers, clients, and partners.

Maintaining a professional reputation requires reliability and accountability. To avoid damaging your credibility, it’s crucial to be punctual for appointments, prompt in replying to emails, and diligent in completing tasks.

When it comes to providing services, I believe in treating clients the way I would want to be treated if I were in their shoes. Putting myself in their position allows me to understand their needs and concerns better, and ultimately provide them with exceptional service and care. By empathizing with my clients, I ensure that they receive the level of respect and attention that they deserve.

Chronic tardiness, slow performance, frequent absence due to sickness or making excuses will only hinder your professional growth. By honoring commitments and meeting obligations on time, you demonstrate trustworthiness and dependability – essential traits of a true professional.

Avoid taking on more projects than you can handle

Be mindful of your workload and not overwhelm yourself by accepting an excessive number of projects at once. Dropping the ball on a project, failing to meet deadlines, or delivering subpar work can greatly hinder your reputation.

If you have a full plate of projects, it is important to communicate with the client and let them know. If possible, you can consider booking the project for a later time down the road. This indicates that you are in high demand and have a significant workload.

To ensure productivity and timely completion of projects, it’s advisable to have additional freelancers on standby in case your workload becomes heavy. By dividing the project’s tasks among multiple freelancers, you can effectively manage your time and energy.

By taking on only what you can handle effectively, you ensure that each task receives the attention and dedication it deserves. This approach leads to better results, higher quality work, and ultimately a more successful outcome for both you and your clients.

Be Nice And Understanding

Embrace the opportunity to be generous with your time and expertise, particularly towards those who are younger or less experienced. It is important to remember that any of these individuals could blossom into future successful leaders, eagerly seeking trustworthy and respectful team members.

By extending your generosity, you not only cultivate trust but also contribute to the development of the next generation of colleagues. Together, build a thriving community where respect and support for one another flourish.

When You Make A Mistake, Own it

Admittedly, none of us are perfect and mistakes are bound to happen. However, how we handle those mistakes is what truly matters. Rather than attempting to conceal or shift blame when an error occurs, it is crucial to take ownership and demonstrate honesty. By doing so, clients will appreciate your integrity and remember that you took responsibility for your mistake instead of trying to hide it.

When you make a mistake, take responsibility immediately and go the extra mile to rectify it. Say, you understand and will get it resolved. By doing so, the client will remember your effort to fix the mistake rather than the mistake itself. This approach leads to a positive outcome rather than a negative one. This also helps your reputation.

Communication is Key

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Effective communication with colleagues and clients is key. You need to understand and adapt to each individual’s unique communication style and preferences. By keeping everyone informed, responding promptly to inquiries, and addressing requests, you create a collaborative environment that ensures everyone stays updated on project developments and progress. This not only fosters smoother workflows but also strengthens professional relationships.

Finding a balance between being responsive and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial. It’s essential not to develop the habit of responding to emails around the clock. Instead, make sure to allocate dedicated time for yourself when you’re not in work mode. Utilize tools such as out-of-office messages or sending holding messages to manage expectations while prioritizing your personal well-being. Remember, it’s important to strike a harmonious blend between promptness and taking time off for yourself.

Effective communication is an essential part of our daily lives, and it takes various forms such as sending emails, engaging in video calls, conducting face-to-face meetings, or collaborating in studio sessions. Regardless of the method, clear and concise communication is crucial for successful interactions throughout your day.

How to Get Work and Get Paid for It

It’s a common notion that creatives often struggle when it comes to the business side of things, particularly in determining rates and pricing for clients. However, you have to recognize the importance of valuing ourselves and our industry by charging appropriately. By understanding our worth and setting fair prices, we not only elevate our own value but also contribute to maintaining a healthy market for all creatives involved.

Discovering the base rate for your freelance industry

To provide accurate quotes to your clients, it is essential to be aware of the average rates in your sector. You don’t want to charge too little or too high. Instead, you want to charge the average rate that reflects your expertise and the length of time you have been working in the industry.

Start by searching the web for the top recording studios or audio engineers. Find out what their rates are, and use that information as a starting point for determining your rates. Next, make a list of all your services and determine the pricing, whether it is a flat rate or an hourly rate.

Setting your rates shows consistency and ensures fair pricing for your clients. By establishing a clear price structure, you can confidently charge within the industry standards, keeping yourself in the ballpark and providing value that aligns with your expertise.

Don’t forget about taxes! Remember, you are running a business.

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Before we wrap up the money topic, let’s talk about taxes. As a freelancer, it’s important to remember that, unlike individuals with traditional jobs, your taxes aren’t automatically deducted from your income. Whether you run a corporation, LLC, or sole proprietorship, you have to keep track and report it.

Setting aside a portion of your earnings specifically for tax purposes helps to pay your tax bill and ensure that you comply with all legal obligations.

Have a Dedicated Business or Savings Account

To safeguard yourself from future troubles and unnecessary strain, it is highly advisable to establish a separate bank account solely for financial purposes. By having a business account, you will have a separate record of your income and spending, distinct from your personal and family accounts.

With a business account, you can easily monitor cash flow, accurately assess profitability, and effectively manage your tax obligations.

Transferring a portion, such as 15%, of your income into your business account helps ensure that you have the necessary funds available when the time comes to settle your tax obligations. Many card processors such as Square have the option to automatically transfer a percent of your sales to a savings account for tax payments.

Understand the tax laws that pertain to your business situation.

As freelancers, each of us has registered our businesses differently. Whether you are an individual sole proprietor or an LLC, the fact remains that we all have to report and file our taxes. It is important to learn the correct methods for filing taxes based on your specific case.

For example, a sole proprietor typically files a Schedule C on their individual income tax return, while an LLC business files separately from the individual.


In conclusion, being a freelancer is not just a career choice, but a path to success and fulfillment. As a freelancer, you have the freedom to choose your own projects, set your own rates, and work on your own terms. With determination, hard work, and the right mindset, you can carve out a successful freelance career for yourself.

Remember to continuously improve your skills, build strong relationships with clients and colleagues, and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and always strive for excellence in your work. With perseverance and dedication, you can achieve the success you desire as a freelancer. So take that leap of faith into the world of freelancing – where passion meets opportunity – and unlock endless possibilities for personal and professional growth.