Tag Archive for: game audio


What is Dolby ATMOS Binaural? Mixing Immersive with Headphones

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Immersive audio experiences have gained immense popularity in the entertainment industry. One groundbreaking technology that has revolutionized our perception of sound is Dolby Atmos Binaural for audio production. But what is it and how exactly…
Person playing video game

How does video game audio differ from film audio?

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Game audio and film audio have a lot in common, but they also differ in many ways. The way sound is used in games has to take into account the player's actions, while film audio has a more linear structure. Additionally, game audio often needs…

An Evening with the UNCHARTED 2 Music Team at Pyramind

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Naughty Dog's epic PS3-exclusive adventure titled "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves" was one of the best games of 2009 and won the Spike VGA 2009 Game of the Year.  The production team pulled out all the bells and whistles for this one.  Great 3d…