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What is Foley Recording and How it Enhances Audio Production

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The Foley recording technique is an essential part of audio production, and it can make a huge difference in the quality of the final product. Foley recording is the process of adding sound effects to a recorded track. It involves using everyday…
Field Recording

TravSonic Develops Sound Effects For

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TravSonic Studios has been known for creating engaging sound effects for film, radio, and broadcast for decades. Now the company has opened its newest SFX library to the public to use for their projects through, a Royalty-free music,…
Audio mixer and engineer

What is a Re-Recording Mixer and their Role in Film Production?

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A re-recording mixer is an integral part of the film production process. They are responsible for combining and blending all the audio elements of a project, such as dialogue, sound effects, and music. This process involves mixing multiple…
Person playing video game

How does video game audio differ from film audio?

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Game audio and film audio have a lot in common, but they also differ in many ways. The way sound is used in games has to take into account the player's actions, while film audio has a more linear structure. Additionally, game audio often needs…
What is an AAF file

What is AAF in Audio Production? Everything You Need to Know

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An AAF (Advanced Authoring Format) file is an indispensable tool in the realm of audio post-production. This file format is specifically designed to streamline the transfer of audio projects between different digital audio workstations (DAWs)…